Cetin Network - cetin.cz
We are the solid backbone of the Czech Internet
We want to connect and continue to develop telecommunications technologies in the Czech Republic. Learn how we do it.

You can not only find our network in large cities, but also in smaller municipalities. It includes 17 million pairs of metallic cables, 65,000 kilometres of optical cables and we are constantly expanding it. We are simply where others cannot reach.
CETIN has long been a wholesale provider, offering access to its network and electronic communication services to various entities. CETIN seeks new ways of collaboration and alternative construction methods to gain access to the broadest possible infrastructure, enabling the delivery of fast and reliable services at reasonable costs.
A large part of our mission is the acceleration of the Czech Republic. We help connect the entire Czech Republic to our network and bring the possibility of offering fast internet. In addition to this, there is the need to continually innovate in the field of technology. That's why we're introducing 5G optical networks and accelerating with bonding.
CETIN has over 3,000 employees who put the backbone network into operation, manage it and take care of its quality distribution. They take care of the network's operation on a daily basis, both in the field and remotely, so that everything works smoothly, ensuring operators can offer quality services and end customers are satisfied.
Statement on the Existence of Networks
Before starting any construction or excavation, be sure to find out if the CETIN network is in a particular place. This will prevent problems or additional excavations. If you need confirmation on the location of our electronic communications network, just fill out the form.