Backup sources and power supplies
This service is suitable for companies that need to arrange uninterruptible power supplies, reconstruction and implementation of LV substations and construction activities related to connection. We provide turnkey installations, including engineering services. Then in the area of operation, we perform regular safeguarding inspections and offer constant emergency service according to the level specified in the contract.
  • Complete installation of backup power supplies and turnkey power supplies, including engineering services
  • Rental of mobile units
  • Safeguarding examinations
  • Emergency service 24/7 according to the set level
Backup sources and power supplies

We provide backup sources and power supplies completely tailored to companies. We arrange them, reconstruct them and we devote ourselves to construction activities related to their implementation.

We offer the following services:
  1. Backup sources and power supplies
    • we sell stable and mobile motor generators and provide their leasing
    • we design solutions and arrange project documentation
    • we use uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) and stable generators
    • we set up turnkey backup power supply systems up to 2.2 MVA

  2. Repairs, installations, breakdowns, LV and HV up to 22 kV
    • we provide energy consultancy
    • we carry out the construction of cable connections and free lines, and we check and repair transformer stations
    • we repair and connect 1.5–240 mm cables and install and repair compensations

  3. Rental of soundproof mobile diesel generators up to 800 kVA
    • we connect and ensure the operation of backup power supplies
    • we offer mobile generators with outputs of 7 to 800 kVA

  4. Performing check-ups on all LV equipment, HV, generators and UPS, including lightning conductors
    • we perform consumption analyses
    • we install measuring equipment

  5. 24-hour emergency service
    • In the case of any problem, there is an emergency service available which is ready to address possible failures and other problems 24 hours a day.
  6. Construction work, locksmith work and earthworks
    • we arrange project documentation for the construction of buildings
    • we carry out construction of civic and industrial facilities and earthworks and excavation work
    • we deal with container transport
    • we work with a mobile crane up to 22 tonnes