
Přístup k fyzické infrastruktuře
Přístup k fyzické infrastruktuře

Pronajměte si místo pro svoje zařízení na poskytování telekomunikačních služeb na naší infrastruktuře. Může se jednat o umístění například v kabelovodu, kolektoru, inspekční komoře, rozvodné skříni nebo na anténním nosiči.

  • minimalizace nákladů na budování vlastní infrastruktury,
  • nejvíce možností v počtu lokalit na území Česka.
Typický koncový zákazník:
národní operátoři
Umístění služeb:
po celé ČR
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Location of network elements in our buildings and premises

If you decide to use our RUO services, we will offer you the housing of your equipment on our premises or near our distribution frames.

  • cutting-edge technology and operating background
  • extensive offer of collocation sites in the Czech Republic
  • optimising your costs
Typical end customer:
Location of services:
throughout the Czech Republic
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Data centres and commercial hosting
Data centres and commercial hosting

Data centre services are suitable for small as well as large providers of telecommunication and cloud services to end customers. If you operate your own telecommunications network, provide cloud services or just connect with us, you will appreciate the opportunity to use the comprehensive services at our data centres.

  • availability of data centres in Prague - Chodov and Prague - Stodůlky
  • provision of services up to TIER III
  • physical access to your devices 24/7 including our support
Typical end customer:
businesses and telecommunications
Location of services:
Prague - Chodov and Prague - Stodůlky
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Dark fibre lease
Dark fibre lease

Get access to dark fibre to connect your service from a termination point to the nearest Optical Distribution Frame.

  • avoid your own construction investments
  • provision of physical maintenance in case of difficulties
Typical end customer:
operators, internet service providers
Location of services:
throughout the Czech Republic
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Backup sources and power supplies
Backup sources and power supplies

We will arrange a turnkey installation for you, including engineering services. In regards to operations, we then perform regular inspections to prevent problems and offer continuous service according to the level specified in the contract.

  • avoid construction investments
  • in-person service in case of difficulties
Typical end customer:
operators, internet service providers
Location of services:
throughout the Czech Republic
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Lease of local loop from DSLAM to the home

If you have your own infrastructure and want to connect a new customer who is not within reach of your network, you can take advantage of a lease of CETIN local metallic or fibre optic loop. You will connect to our network only at the level of the cabinet (DSLAM).

  • direct access to metallic or fibre optic connection
  • simple extension with connection to your own network
  • the services used on the line are up to you and under your full control
Typical end customer:
households or businesses
Location of services:
throughout the Czech Republic, within reach of a specific DSLAM
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