Projects funded by the European Union - National Recovery Plan

High-speed connectivity and coverage of white spots on the map of the Czech Republic are currently some of the priority topics of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The aim of the Digital High-Capacity Networks priority from the National Recovery Plan programme is to improve the quality of life and to promote economic development and employment in remote or sparsely populated rural locations. The subject of the provided subsidy is the construction of modern, high-quality and secure infrastructure allowing high-speed Internet access with VHCN parameters to these locations, where such access is not provided and is unlikely to be provided by market mechanisms on a commercial basis.


We will extend the optical network to sparsely populated locations thanks to EU support

We have been involved in a call by the Ministry of Industry and Trade to promote high-speed internet, and we have committed to extending our optical network to basic settlement units in so-called white locations. The costs of the implementation of FTTH connections will be partly covered by subsidies from European funds and partly by CETIN. This will give households in these rural areas high-quality internet connections quite comparable to what operators provide commercially in large cities.

All such built-in connections meet the VHCN (Very High Capacity Networks) standard, i.e. speeds of at least 1000/200 Mb/s.

We are building, operating and accelerating the largest data and communication network in the Czech Republic and plan to connect 1,000,000 households with an FTTH optical network, among other things, in the next seven years. The ministry's programme thus complements our existing activities and will enable us to build modern access networks, even in places that are not profitable for commercial construction.

The projects listed below receive financial support from the European Union under the National Recovery Plan :

I. The Digital High Capacity Network Challenge

Project name

Registration number

NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 02 Velké Meziříčí – Znojmo – Břeclav – Blansko


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 03 Broumov – Náchod – Dobruška


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 04 Kostelec nad Orlicí – Rychnov nad Kněžnou


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 05 Hořice – Nový Bydžov – Hradec Králové


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 09 Frýdlant – Liberec – Turnov – Jilemnice


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 10 Opava – Odry – Ostrava – Český Těšín


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 12 Frýdek-Místek – Frenštát pod Radhoštěm – Jablunkov – Třinec


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 13 Konice – Prostějov – Olomouc


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 14 Králíky – Šumperk – Záhřeb – Jeseník


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 15 Mohelnice – Litovel – Uničov


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 16 Boskovice – Moravská Třebová


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 17 Přelouč – Hlinsko – Lanškroun - Západ


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 17 Přelouč – Hlinsko – Lanškroun - Východ


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 20 Rakovník – Rokycany – Příbram – Dobříš – Beroun


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 21 Mělník – Nymburk – Mladá Boleslav – Mnichovo Hradiště - Západ


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 21 Mělník – Nymburk – Mladá Boleslav – Mnichovo Hradiště - Východ


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 22 Kolín – Kutná Hora


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 23 Kadaň – Žatec – Slaný – Ústí nad Labem – Litvínov


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 25 Světlá nad Sázavou – Havlíčkův Brod – Chotěboř


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 27 Lipník nad Bečvou – Vsetín – Rožnov pod Radhoštěm


NPO 2022 VHCN for the area 28 Holešov – Valašské Klobouky – Veselí nad Moravou


Projects funded by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Competitiveness

High-speed connectivity and coverage of white spots on the map of the Czech Republic are currently some of the priority topics of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The aim of the High Speed Internet Programme from the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness is to improve the quality of life and to promote economic development and employment in remote or sparsely populated rural localities. The subject of the provided subsidy is the construction of modern, high-quality and secure infrastructure, enabling high-speed Internet access (new generation access networks) to these locations, where this access is not provided and is unlikely to be provided by market mechanisms on a commercial basis.

We will extend the optical network to sparsely populated locations thanks to EU support

We have joined the call of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to support high-speed Internet, and we have committed to extend our optical network to basic settlement units in so-called white locations. The costs of the implementation of FTTH and FTTC connections will be partly covered by subsidies from the European Structural Funds and partly by CETIN. Thanks to this, households in these rural areas will get a high-quality Internet connection completely comparable to what operators provide commercially in large cities.

All connections built in this way meet the so-called higher NGA (Next Generation Access) standard, i.e. speeds of at least 100/33 Mbps.

We are building, operating and accelerating the largest data and communication network in the Czech Republic and plan to connect 1,000,000 households with FTTH optical network, among other things, in the next seven years. The ministry's programme thus complements our existing activities and will enable us to build modern access networks, even in places that are not profitable for commercial construction.

The projects listed below receive financial support from the European Union under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness:

II. The High Speed Internet Challenge

Project name

Registration number

VRI for area 01 Benešov - Orlík – Tábor


VRI for area 03 Brdy - Vltava


VRI for area 06 Český ráj


VRI for area 08 Děčínsko - České Švýcarsko


VRI for area 16 Kolín - Kutná Hora


VRI for area 18 Křivoklátsko


VRI for area 19 Krkonoše


VRI for area 23 Lužické hory - Máchův kraj


VRI for area 24 Moravský kras - Brno


VRI for area 25 Orlické hory


VRI for area 28 Podzvičínsko


VRI for area 29 Posázaví - Čáslav


VRI for area 31 Rožďalovice - Kopidlno - Cidlina


VRI for area 33 Střední Čechy – SZ


VRI for area 34 Střední Morava


VRI for area 35 Šumava - Písek


VRI for area 36 Temelín - Soběslav


VRI for area 37 Těšínsko


VRI for area 38 Uhlířské Janovice - Sázava - Zásmuky


VRI for area 39 Vysočina - JV


VRI for area 42 Západní Čechy


VRI for area 43 Žďárské vrchy


IV. The High Speed Internet Challenge

Project name

Registration number

NGA 2020 for area 08 Český Brod - Kolín - Kutná Hora - Čáslav


NGA 2020 for area 20 Litvínov - Teplice - Louny


NGA 2020 for area 21 Lysá nad Labem - Nymburk - Poděbrady


NGA 2020 for area 22 Mladá Boleslav


NGA 2020 for area 24 Neratovice - Brandýs nad Labem - Benátky nad Jizerou


NGA 2020 for area 25 Nový Bydžov - Hradec Králové


NGA 2020 for area 30 Příbram - Sedlčany - Milevsko


NGA 2020 for area 31 Rakovník - Kralovice - Beroun


NGA 2020 for area 38 Uherský Brod - Luhačovice - Valašské Klobouky


Infrastructure access offers in subsidised areas

Published 29 March 2021

The list of access points, including addresses, can be found in the annex here.

The list of address points connected to the network built using the subsidy (address points with the DOT flag) can be found in the annex here. The list is continuously updated. The wholesale offer of services at address points with the DOT flag is governed by the terms of the High Speed Internet Programme of the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness (OPPIK). In accordance with the OPPIK conditions, a download speed of less than 30 Mb/s and an upload speed of less than 10 Mb/s are not offered or provided at address points with the DOT flag.

If you are interested in a wholesale offer, please contact us at